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Sushi Noh
New South Wales
horror, comedy, drama
Key Cast
Felino Dolloso, Geneva Phan, Jodine Muir
Jayden Rathsam Hua
Jayden Rathsam Hua, Philippa Silva
Jayden Rathsam Hua
Executive Producer
Sam Steinle
Scott Majidi
Gus O'Brien

Trapped in the care of her lonely uncle, a young girl’s nightmares about a bizarre kitchen appliance manifest into reality.

Director Biography.
Jayden Rathsam Hua is an Asian Australian filmmaker and AFTRS Masters graduate known for producing and directing The Key of B (‘Best Documentary’ at Lightworks Film Festival and ‘Spotlight Filmmakers Gold Award’ at Atlanta International Documentary Film Festival), producing The Caretakers (commissioned by SCCI and AFTRS), and writing/directing the short films, Come to Northwood (‘Judge’s Choice’ at Lightworks FF), Survey (‘Best Script’ at 24/7 Youth FF), and SUSHI NOH (Official Selection: Encounters FF (United Kingdom), Brooklyn Horror FF (United States), NY Horror FF (United States), Maniatic FF (Spain), Lund Fantastic FF (Sweden), Atlanta International Film Festival (US), Seattle International Film Festival (US), Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival (IL), Sydney Film Festival (Australia), Palm Springs International ShortFest (USA), Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival (Japan), and Melbourne International Film Festival (Australia)). He is currently developing his debut feature film, MATRIARCH, with funding from Screen NSW, and was shortlisted as a finalist for the 2021 SBS Digital Originals initiative.
Director Statement.
Sushi Noh explores the surreal yet insightful quality of children's nightmares. As a kid, I'd suffer from night terrors- triggered not by the rational anxieties of adulthood, but inane things that simply didn't sit right with me. A strange, stylised portrait of a man. The way the lady on the bus stared at me for longer than she should have. The world was intimidating, and anything that felt odd or threatening reverberated into something bigger, darker and monstrous in my mind. In this film, a young girl is pitted against a familiar and insurmountable force- her own imagination. Trapped in a claustrophobic environment devoid of home comforts, we bear witness to rogue thoughts about a grotesque kitchen appliance that spiral out of control and into reality. Yummy Yummy Sushi Time!