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South Australia
Drama, Fantasy, Magical Realism, Family
Key Cast
Alice Keohavong, Lena Nankivell, Nathaniel Dean, Brigid Bird Giesbrecht
Alies Sluiter
William Littleton
Alies Sluiter
Executive Producer

When a strange being appears outside her window and lures her mother away, seven-year-old Sophie follows.

Director Biography.
Alies is a 2020 BAFTA Newcomer, Berlinale Talent Campus alumna, John Monash Scholar and honours graduate of the Screenwriting MFA at Columbia University, where she was awarded the prestigious Screenwriting Fellowship and taught screenwriting. Her short film Ayaan, has played at festivals worldwide and been nominated for 20+ awards, including Best Director of a Student Film from the Australian Directors Guild, the Adrienne Shelly Best Female Director Award, a National Board of Review Motion Pictures Award, the Grand Jury Prize, Best Drama and Best Screenplay at the South Australian Screen Awards, the Adelaide Film Festival and IFP Audience Awards, received a Grand Prix Nomination at Tampere Film Festival and was a Dendy Award finalist at the Sydney Film Festival.
Director Statement.
At the beginning of the pandemic, Will (the producer) and I were living in Washington Heights, New York with our one-year-old daughter. In our apartment block, one family lost their grandmother, grandfather and the mother of three children. Many families we knew lost people during that first six months – Will worked at a community centre in the Bronx, one of the areas hardest hit by COVID in the U.S. It was devastating and terrifying. Myth is the story that came to me during those very bleak days, when we hid in our apartment and rocked our daughter to sleep, praying that we would remain healthy and in a position to look after her. When we moved back to Australia a year later, we had the privilege of collaborating with theatre company Gravity & Other Myths, and were able to film the story we wanted our daughter to have, if anything should ever happen to us.