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Don't Come In... Yet
Comedy, Drama, Disability
Key Cast
Oli Pizzey Stratford, Ella Newton, Toby Truslove, Johanna Allen, Warwick Capper
Isaac Dean Elliott
Matthew Burns, Tessa Mansfield-Hung
Isaac Elliott
Executive Producer

As a wheelchair user, Jake is constantly watched over by his dad and lauded for his bravery by everyone. Now 18, he's finally been left at home, without supervision, with his best friend June. Together, they plan to use the opportunity to have sex. But his overbearing dad, a spider and an ageing football superstar present some complications. Most of all they reinforce the macabre nature of life as a disabled person in society.

Director Biography.
Isaac Elliott is an AACTA and 3 x Australian Directors Guild (ADG) nominated director based in Melbourne Australia. Working across genres and subject matter, Isaac draws from his experience growing up in Alice Springs along with his living with a disability to explore unique and interesting characters, through a compassionate and thoughtful lens. Isaac co-produced and starred in the feature documentary Finke:There and Back with Brindle films released in 2018. He directed two documentaries for television Burlesque Blokes, exploring the life of a male stripper and We Are Sexual Beings which explores what it’s like to be young, disabled and sexual in modern Australia in a fun doc/reality hybrid. In the kids space Isaac directed The Legend of Burnout Barry for ABC Kids and ACTF which earned him a nomination at the 2020 ADG awards. In 2021 Isaac co-created and directed 2 episodes of ABC/Netflix TV series MaveriX. The show was nominated for an AACTA award for best kids television show 2022 and Isaac was nominated for 2 ADG awards for his directing work. He also directed a 15 x 12 minute web series WILDLIFERS! for ABC kids released May 2023. Isaac was listed on the Inside Films RISING STARS director for 2022.
Director Statement.
It often feels like as a disabled person, that you receive praise for simply existing, or surviving. I spent a good part of 2020 working with a speaking coach to develop as a motivational speaker, and the further along I got, the more I became disinterested in the whole industry. Especially as its presented as a lucrative opportunity for anyone with a disability to ‘tell their story’ and for the wealthy woke to go ‘wooowwwww’. Don’t come in… Yet! takes aim at the idea that the closer you are to death, the more you are an inspiration to the rest of society. There’s a toxic positivity that can shield people from reality, and make them dependent on the aww of others, and in doing so prevent true independence. I seek to skewer the contradiction that the closer you are to death inspires people to live. It’s kinda fucked up. And to me, kinda fucking hilarious. Also a spider biting my foot without me being able to feel it — and then dying — is probably my greatest fear. I present this as a teenage love story where Jake searches for inner peace and finds it in his best friend June. She’s dry, funny and dismissive and the simple act of not trying to turn his every woe into some sort of positive affirmation or something inspirational is freeing. Don’t come in… Yet! is ultimately a love story. A darkly comic love story where the main character dies. Happy. Free.

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